Friday, May 7, 2010
Menusuk setiap jiwa
Jiwa yang resah, gembira dan duka
Kembali tenang
Di kala kesedihan melanda diri
Dirimu hadir memberi aspirasi
Dititipkan pada diri ini panduan
Dalam menghadapi gelombang dugaan yang makin mencabar
Di kala keriangan terpancar di wajah ini
Dirimu tersenyum gembira
Memeluk dan mencium diri ini
Seperti diri ini baru lahir di dunia
Dirimu ingin jua menikmati kegembiraan itu bersama-sama
Tika diri ini jauh darimu
Kerinduan datang bertandang
Ku tatap gambarmu dan kutitipkan doa
Agar kerinduan ini terubat
Ku bermohon pada Tuhan
Agar dirimu dirahmati oleh-Nya selalu
Cinta dan kasih sayangmu mekar di jiwa
Akan kuabadikan setiap pengorbanan, cinta dan kasih sayangmu di hati ini sehingga hujung nyawaku
Sorry..lambat post entri ini disebabkan ada hal lain yang memerlukan perhatian.
Last weekend, I'm just came back from visit my grandma who was suffering from 'Parkinson'. She felt happy to see me around.
I miss her laugh, her cooking and most of all I miss my old days with her.
I spent half day with her as I have to rush back to KL.
On the way back to my house, Manamore wants to buy a satay at Kajang. After bought the satay, we went to his house.
I'm having a 'satay' as dinner with his family.
As we are enjoying our meals and having a chit chat....
"Diana, satay nie siapa belanja?"his mom asks.
There no answer from both of us.
"Diana, diana bagi ape kat mak dia sempena HARI IBU?" another question from his mother.
"Hadiah kasih sayang".
Mom, Thank You for all your love to me. I'm really appreciate it. You are the best gift I ever had in my life.

Rasa macam baru semalam jer Cik D attend orientation, meet new frens, attending 'kuliah', merayau2 at PKNS and Plaza Alam Sentral,'berpoya-poya', ambil exam and MERDEKA.
Kenangan tersebut terlalu indah jika diimbas kembali. A lot of memories that we treasure together, I kept tight in my mind and heart.
I thought of organizing a re-U since a few years back and as I realized there is a lot risks and challenging part that I have to make this wish come true.
Finally,someone suggest to me that I should organize the Re-U since a lot of my friends are on FB list. Some people say its hard to get together as they having a lot of commitment and to schedule their free time. Is it? I take those word as a challenge to myself.
As time goes by, I get a full support from those who are really committed to attend this event.It's only a week before the launching day.the Re-U that was planning since last year have to be cancelled due to several unexpected reason.
I thought this re-U might be a place for me and other friends to change their stories, establish our friendship,having some fun, etc but all the excitement change to sorrow moment."God have his reason why we can't meet now". I gain a lot of lesson and experience during my time spend on organizing this half-cooked event.
Reunion was changed to Family Gathering. It sound nice and lebih dekat di hati.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
The Wishes
When the visions around you
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength
I'll give you hope
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call
Was standing here all along
And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
'Til the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you
I've loved you forever
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never
Will you hurt anymore
I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun
Just close your eyes
Each lovin' day
And know this feeling won't go away
'Til the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you
Over and over I fall
When I hear you call
Without you in my life, baby
I just wouldn't be living at all
And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
'Til the day my life is through
This I promise you, baby
Just close your eyes
Each lovin' day
And know this feeling won't go away
Every word I say is true
This I promise you
Every word I say is true
This I promise you
I promise you
I was fall in sick a few weeks ago n had a small argument with him. My 'migraine' attack my whole brain. I really tired of fighting with him everyday.
On the day I was MC, we still in argument mood but finally I made an apologize for all the bad things I ever done to him. He still can't accept my apologies.
Him: Assalamualaikum, tengah buat ape? how's ur fever?Jika tak berkurang gak, petang nnt kita g klinik
Me: Its ok, dah kurang skit. no need to go to a clinic.
Him : Dah makan?
Me: Not yet.
Him: Ok, then I'll buy you your lunch. What u want to eat?
Me: Nasi Lauk
Half an hour later
Him : This is your lunch.Jangan lupa makan ubat n minum 100 Plus (as he handed me the drink)
Me: Thank u (spechless of his caring and kindness)
The aroma of Nasi Beringin membuatkan perut menyanyikan iramanya dengan lebih laju like rock n roll.
I take my medicine n having a rest by watching 'Ku MilikMu'
It is so funny to see Eira Syazira wearing those mix n match funniest clothes with the BIG spectacles and it is so sad experiencing what Eira Syazira had going through and face because of her 'sister' bad attitude.
As I expereinced watching the 'drama', I learn something out of it.
Semua orang ingin memiliki pasangan yang diimpikan.
Tapi tak semua orang ditakdirkan memiliki pasangan yang diimpikan.
Just don't judge a book by its cover
"Yang indah rupa, tak semesti indah akhlaknya.
Yang kurang indah, tak semesti kurang indah akhlaknya.
Yang indah rupa, indah akhlaknya (One In a Million)
Yang kurang indah rupa, kurang indah akhlaknya (easily to find in this small world)"
We have to thankful to God for whatever God have given to us.What we have in our life is the best gift we ever have. Learn to appreciate others as others will appreciate us back. It is not useful any more to appreciate someone when we realized we have lost them.
I have a gud news for u. will call u later (received sms from him in the late evening).I was so eager to know but I have to wait for 5 hours for him to tell me the GOOD NEWS.
Him: I got new project. I will receive a better salary from what I have earn now. Bolehlah menyimpan untuk persiapan kahwin nnt
Me: Alhamdulillah. Jika niat kita baik, insya-allah semuanya akan dipermudahkan (feel a bit relieved and HAPPY!!!!)
Bila cepat doamu dimakbul maka Dia menyayangimu
Bila lambat doamu dimakbul Dia ingin mengujimu..
Bila tak dimakbul doamu, pasti Dia merancang sesuatu yg lebih baik untukmu